

    In 1995 Saskia Havekes opened a small flower shop, Grandiflora, in Sydney’s Potts Point. Today, while the shop still flourishes, its founder has an international reputation not only as a florist, but as an author and now a creator of fragrances

    The Grandiflora aesthetic has influenced interior styling, hospitality, fashion, editorial and even the modern rituals of giving and displaying flowers. Saskia Havekes does not arrange flowers, she curates them. Drama and scale are her signatures, and these can now be found stamped across her olfactory offerings

    2013 saw the launch of her first two fragrances Magnolia Grandiflora Sandrine and Magnolia Grandiflora Michel. Madagascan Jasmine followed in 2015 and in 2016 Queen of the Night was launched under a rare pink moon in the historic Roudnitska family garden, in Cabris, France. 2017 saw the launch of her 5th fragrance, Boronia

    Grandiflora is still located in the same small store where it all began, and whatever the destiny of her fragrances, Saskia can still be found handpicking her flowers before dawn at the Sydney flower markets