Serotonin Scents - Sniff Your Way to Summer Happiness
We think you’ll agree this summer’s been absolutely rubbish so far, but if there’s one thing more important than ever, it’s that you shouldn’t dwell on the negative. There’s been a significant increase in depression amongst the British public over the last year and a half – not a big shocker, let’s be honest – but it’s all about finding life’s little joys
Fragrance is one of those joys, and we’re not just saying that. Read on to find out why
If you’re reading this, then you’ve likely already discovered the delights of perfume, but there’s actually real and interesting science behind scent and the way our bodies react to it. In this modern era we’re living in, our olfactory capabilities are neglected the most out of all our 5 senses, but perhaps by the end of this blog you’ll have a better awareness of your ability to smell. Your nose is one potent protrusion, after all
So, now is as good a time as any for you to take a deep breath. Really inhale through your nose and think about what’s happening. What do you smell? How does it feel? As you breathe in, odour molecules are stimulating the receptors in your nose and the signals are travelling up to your brain. Your olfactory bulb is lighting up and telling you what you’re sniffing, and this is where a wonderful hormone called serotonin enters the game
Scents have been scientifically proven to affect our mood, whether positively or not so positively, and the signals being sent to your olfactory bulb when you inhale, directly affect your emotions. Out of our 5 senses, sniffing is the only one with a direct route to the areas of the brain responsible for an awareness of scent, your memory storage and the bit that controls your moods. Serotonin is released to regulate those moods
When you catch a whiff of something nice, you feel good and you remember it, so when it’s triggered again as a memory, it makes you feel good all over again. Like the smell of your skin, warm from the summer sun, the smell of cut grass when you were a kid, or the scent of the ocean when you’re on holiday. It’s no wonder niche fragrance brands try to capture those scents for you to wear every day
Like we said, there’s interesting science behind scent and there’s been lots of studies on the power of different essences and their effects on us. Look at one of the most popular perfume ingredients – citrus. Proven to boost energy and alertness, it also relieves stress and uplifts your mood, all at the same time as positively influencing others who may be sniffing you close by (but hopefully not in a creepy way). It’s like subliminal messaging via scent. Cool, right?
Peppermint is another great ingredient known to stimulate the mind and aid clear thinking, and jasmine scents are powerful positive mood generators. In fact, most floral scents have that effect, hence why it’s a very popular fragrance family amongst perfumers. And if you’re looking to bolster brain power, just sniff some cinnamon
And now we’ve arrived at the point of this piece, because even though the summer’s been rubbish so far you can, and should, boost those happiness vibes with serotonin inducing scents, and keep that summer feeling all season long. Or all year long if you’re so inclined
You can discover all the summer fumes bursting with joyfulness in our online store, so click here and get your serotonin flowing. Summer happiness is always within reach when it comes to fragrance, especially on days when it’s pi**ing down with rain. Happy sniffing